
Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Indian Chippiparai Dog Breed

  • Chippiparai
    Dog Breed

  • The Chippiparai is a sight hound breed of dog from the south of India. Thought to be a descendant of the Saluki, today it is found in the area around Periyar Lake. It is used primarily for hunting wild boar, deer and hare. Wikipedia

  • Height63.5 cm (At the withers)

  • TemperamentLoyalIndependentRobust

  • ColorsSilver-grayGreyFawn

  • The Chippiparai is a sight hound breed of dog from the south of India. Thought to be a descendant of the Saluki, today it is found in the area aroundPeriyar Lake. It is used primarily for hunting wild boar, deer and hare. It is also used for guarding the home. Bred by royal families in Chippiparai near Madurai district Tamil Nadu, it was kept as a symbol of royalty and dignity in tirunelveli and madurai rulers.

  • Appearance[edit]

    The typical color is a fawn, reddish brown, slight black tinged coat, silver-grey, with very limited or no white markings and long curved tail. Other colors, particularly variations of grey and fawn, also occur. This is a medium dog, around 25 inches at the withers.[1] It has a short coat that is very close; on the whole the coat if kept groomed has a shine on it. A shining, shell-like appearance is greatly desired. This kind of coat makes it ideal for hot climates. This hound is also less prone to ticks and fleas, with their short coat providing easy detection. The overall appearance is very similar to that of the Sloughi, or the Rampur Greyhound.


    Male Puppy
    The Chippiparai is a robust animal needing little or no veterinary care. It does need lots of exercise, as it was and is a breed meant to hunt. Chippiparai is an intelligent breed and a wonderful watch dog. Contrary to the belief that it is a one -man dog, Chippiparai gets along well with people if it is properly socialized. Chippiparai loves human companionship and it hates to be in isolation. It is capable of great speed and can overtake a hare with ease.
    The Chippiparai is a treat to watch and, when seen running, it is a breathtaking spectacle, almost floating through air. It is not a fussy eater, and eats to live and not vice versa. It is easy to groom and does not shed much due to its short coat length.

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