
Thursday, 5 December 2013

Goldendoodle Dog Breed

  • Goldendoodle
    Dog Breed

  • A Goldendoodle is a cross-breed dog obtained by breeding a golden retriever with a poodle. The name was coined in 1992. Wikipedia

  • TemperamentEnergeticFriendlyIntelligentTrainable

  • Height61 – 66 cm (Male, At Shoulder)55.9 – 58.4 cm (Female, At Shoulder)

  • Mass6.8 – 13.6 kg (Miniature Size, Adult)13.6 – 20.4 kg (Adult, Medium size)20.4 – 31.8 kg (Standard Size, Adult)

  • Goldendoodle is a cross-breed (hybrid) dog obtained by breeding a golden retriever with a poodle. The name was coined in 1992.

  • History[edit]

    Golden Retriever nursing 13 Goldendoodle puppies
    In the 1990s,[1] breeders in both North America and Australia began crossing golden retrievers with standard poodles.[2] The original purpose of the cross was to attempt to develop guide dogs suitable for visually impaired individuals with allergies. The goldendoodle is sometimes called a designer dog. The Encyclopædia Britannica traces the term "designer dog" to the late 20th century, when breeders began to cross purebred poodles with other purebred breeds in order to obtain a dog with the poodles' non-shedding coat, along with various desirable characteristics from other breeds.[3]


    A Goldendoodle tracking a rabbit.
    The goldendoodle is usually bred to be a family companion dog. It may suit families with dog allergies, if the puppy has inherited hair characteristics of its poodle parent.[2] Some are bred for careers in service to humans as guide dogtherapy dogs, or other types of assistance dogs.[4]
    A person may select a goldendoodle because he or she loves the golden retriever temperament, but would prefer a dog that sheds less hair. Although not all goldendoodles exhibit the non-shedding coat type of the standard poodle, most goldendoodles do have a low to non-shedding coat. The goldendoodle is usually tolerable for people with allergies, especially a goldendoodle with a completely non-shedding coat. The goldendoodle may shed less than a golden retriever, but the degree of shedding will vary from dog to dog. Grooming requirements are as varied as coat types. A dog with a coat that sheds less will require more grooming than one that sheds more often.[5] While some breeders claim that the goldendoodle is ahypoallergenic dog, no studies have proven that any canine is completely hypoallergenic.[6] If they inherit the characteristics from the golden retriever parent, goldendoodles can make good bird dogs.


    Goldendoodle puppy at 6 weeks old--the coat starts out quite flat and becomes more curly as the puppy grows older
    Eight-week old puppy sees the vet for her first health check
    Photo of a Goldendoodle puppy at 9 weeks of age.
    2½-month-old Goldendoodle puppy.
    This is a 6 month old F1 Goldendoodle. This dog has never had a haircut
    Like any other cross-breed, the appearance of goldendoodles vary from individual to individual. Different dogs will display differences in size, coat type, and color. There are three main coat types. There is the straight coat, which is flat and resembles more of a golden retriever coat. The wavy coat type is a mixture of a poodle's curls, and a golden retriever's straighter coat. The last coat type is curly, which tends to look more like the poodle coat. A goldendoodle's size is generally somewhere between that of its poodle and the golden retriever parents. The ranges of size include standard, medium, and miniature(if the poodle parent was miniature).Upon reaching adulthood, a standard goldendoodle will often weigh 45 to 70 pounds. A medium goldendoodle will weigh between 30 to 45 pounds and a miniature goldendoodle will weigh approximately 15 to 30 pounds. The standard in height at the shoulder for a male goldendoodle is about 24-26 inches. For females, it is 22-23 inches. Often, taller golden doodles inherit more from the golden retriever and will weigh substantially more. It is very common for the golden doodle to inherit the "golden retriever bump" on top of his/her head.[2][citation needed][7] Common coat colors include white, cream, apricot, gold, and red. Goldendoodles may also be black or a light sandy brown.[8] They are classified into types according to the breed of its parents. An F1 goldendoodle is the offspring of a poodle mated with a golden retriever. An F1B goldendoodle is the offspring of a poodle with an F1 goldendoodle.[9] An F2 goldendoodle is the offspring of an F1 and another F1 goldendoodle, and an F2B goldendoodle is the offspring of an F1 and an F1B goldendoodles. Many doodle owners with allergies have seen better results for their allergies from the F1B golden doodles rather than an F1 golden doodle.


    Because poodles and golden retrievers are both highly intelligent, golden doodles are also very trainable. Goldendoodles are usually very affectionate with people and other pets. They are human-oriented dogs, and tend to develop a strong bond with their owners and companions. Most goldendoodles are calm and easy going, but they are active dogs that do require exercise. They tend to be great family pets and are known to be especially good with children.

    Breed status[edit]

    Twelve-week old Goldendoodle puppy
    5-month-old Miniature Goldendoodle.
    Some breeders prefer to restrict breeding to the first generation (F1) and first generation cross-back (F1B).[5] This is done in an attempt to maximize genetic diversity and avoid the inherited health problems that have plagued many dog breeds.[10]
    Established breed associations such as the AKC, the UKC, and the CKC, do not recognize this hybrid, or any other designer cross, as a breed. However, some major kennel clubs do accept registration of crossbreed and mixed-breed dogs for performance events such as agility and obedience such as the Continental Kennel Club. The Continental Kennel Club will accept and grant a pedigree on a goldendoodle as long as the parents have registration.


    With knowledgeable breeding, the goldendoodle tends to be a rather healthy dog, but poodles and golden retrievers are both susceptible to hip dysplasia. Therefore, an OFA or PennHIP exam is required to check for this problem before dogs are bred. Both breeds can also suffer from a number of inheritable eye disorders, so it is important that annual CERF (Canine Eye Registration Foundation) exams are performed before breeding.[citation needed] The goldendoodle inherits the ears of golden retrievers; because their ears hang and don't allow the water to drain, they are prone to ear infections (and or yeast infections in the ears) from swimming. Von Willebrands disease (vWD), a bleeding disorder can also be found in the poodle and should be screened through DNA tests before breeding.

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